Creativity Camp – Video Game Design Jam

7 Aug 2024

Creativity Pavilion

Come and join our crash course in video game design, led by Mayamada co-founder Nigel Twumasi.

Over two days, participants will use accessible video game engines on PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo Switch to bring their imaginations to life and create a personalised video game.

Through this creative journey, they’ll explore the mechanics behind video games, and Nigel will guide them through brainstorming, prototyping, and game testing stages. Afterwards, they will be encouraged to share their games with others.

In these friendly sessions, we’ll focus on the key components of video game creation: team collaboration, creativity, and clear player communication. We welcome all young creatives to come along and give it their best shot!

Age recommendation 8 – 12 years old

Important information:

Camps run from 10am – 3pm with an hour for lunch, and trips to the playground (age dependent) happen each day.

Please ensure you provide your children with a packed lunch and make sure to them drop off promptly at 9.50am for a 10am start.
