Summer Creativity Camps
Be part of Alexandra Palace’s first summer schools working with leading industry professionals from across the creative sector developing new skills, meeting new people and having fun. Alexandra Palace Creative Learning Team are bringing together a roll call of amazing creative professionals including Scarabeus, Forest and Family and Carleen De Sozer. Over the week young people will explore areas of the Park working together to create a piece of work to be shared with family and friends.
Activities include circus, street Art, forest school, recording a music video and creating installations for the park for the Great Fete (17th August)
Limited places available so book early to avoid disappointment!
Food: Packed lunches and snacks to be brought every day
Timings: 09:00 – 16:00
Ages: 5 – 13 (ages vary for each activity)
Price: £75 (£65 Pupil premium concession)
Meeting Point: Creativity Pavilion East Court
24th – 26th July Circus Week. More info.
29th July – 2nd August Festival week. More info.
5th – 9th August From the Street. More info.
19th – 23rd August Record This more info
26th 30th August Walk on the Wild Side more info.