This week, Radio 1Xtra’s Fee Mak led an exclusive workshop for the Palace’s Young Creatives Network.
The presenting workshop took place in Wood Green library, with Fee taking the group through all they need to know about interviewing, as well as tips to hone their presenting skills.
The event was part of the AP Sounds: Radio Broadcasting Course run by our Creative Learning team, which is a free eight-week programme offering hands-on training in producing, hosting and broadcasting a live pop-up radio/podcast show.
The course is facilitated by sound artist Jessica Sammut, and includes sessions from radio industry professionals. Running until late January, the project culminates in a live pop-up broadcast from Bruce Castle Museum at Castle Lates on 6 February (6-9pm), when young people will take over the museum with an evening of creativity.
AP Sounds’ overall theme is place-making within Haringey. The final broadcast will discuss themes around local culture, decision making and policy making – putting young people in front of the people in Haringey who are responsible for change, providing them with the opportunity to fact find and have their voices and views heard.
Fee says: “Projects like AP sounds are really important for the next gen of broadcasters. Young people need to know and truly believe that their voices and stories matter in radio and beyond, my job is keep that door open for the next wave.”
About the Young Creatives Network
The Network is part our Creative Learning programme, and aims to inspire people aged 16 -28 who are interested in exploring a career in the creative industries. It includes free creative projects, workshops and events, whilst building skills, tangible capital for their CV’s, and leading on placemaking and cultural change in their local area and beyond. The Network has been funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation over three years, with funding coming to an end in early 2025.
About Castle Lates (Bruce Castle Museum 6 February, 6-9pm)
Castle Lates is an event to celebrate all that the Network has achieved through the vital funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. It will include live music from DJ & MC Academy taking place in the Museums Tower, refreshments will be served in the Castle Kitchen, acoustic music and chill out area will be provided in the Castle Courtyard, a creative zine making workshop provided by The Black Curriculum will take place in the Activity Room and Talkaoke, a live talk show themed activity where people are encouraged to talk around a range of issues that affect and are important to them will take place in the Lecture Theatre.