Lovers Rock & Comedy Link Up
Harmony Productions are proud to present its first showcase of 2020 Lovers Rock & Comedy Link Up.
This will feature a star studded line up of classic Reggae singers alongside stellar urban comedy performers such as: Janet Kay, Sandra Cross, Vivian Jones, Arema, Paulette Tajah, Klearview Harmonics and special guest Rick Clarke (all backed by the Delroy Muray Band) with comedy from Curtis Walker, Felicity Ethnic and hosted by Eddie Nestor, Robbie Gee. This will be a nostalgic night of classic Lovers Rock and side splitting comedy. This event is part of International Women’s Day Celebration, so all our welcome to help celebrate and acknowledge achievements and contributions of great women from around the world.
Age restriction 16+
In response to reported cases of Coronavirus in the UK, we are monitoring official health updates and strictly following World Health Organisation and UK Government’s guidelines in relation to how we deliver events at Alexandra Palace. For more info visit this page