BBC Concert Orchestra. Berlioz – The Ultimate Romantic
The BBC Concert Orchestra marks the 150th anniversary of Berlioz’s death with a concert exploring his influence upon other great romantic composers.
Wagner Tristan and Isolde – Prelude (Act 1)
Liszt Hamlet
Paganini Cantabile in D major, Op. 17
Berlioz Romeo and Juliet – excerpts
Registrations to attend now open.
Tickets are strictly non-transferable. Photographic proof of ID must be shown. If you cannot provide this proof you will be refused entry. If your photo ID does not match the name on the ticket you will not be admitted. If you request two tickets because you are taking a guest along, that person will only be allowed in if they are accompanied by you.
Please take a look at BBC FAQ to see what type of photo ID is acceptable.
Admission to this recording is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that as not everyone who asks for tickets uses them, to make sure we have a full house we send out more tickets than there are places. We do our best to get the numbers right, but unfortunately we occasionally have to disappoint people so please arrive early.