Children Inspired By Yoga afternoon
A FREE event for parents to enjoy some Children’s yoga in the amazing newly refurbished East Wing of Alexandra Palace. Sessions will run with Victoria Hall from Children Inspired by Yoga Muswell Hill for this one off event.
1-1.45pm Mum and Baby for babies not yet crawling
2-2.45pm Mum and Baby for the explorers who are crawling
3-3.45pm Toddler lesson with Tatty Bumpkin for ages 2-5
There will be the chance to explore the beautiful new space, plenty of parking and a delightful coffee van with cakes and delicious treats, perfect to catch up with friends.
The sessions help children age 0-7 to be bendy, giggly, clever and strong:
Bendy: develops flexibility through yoga
Giggly: enhances creativity with fun multi-sensory stories & original music
Clever: aids development with smart links to support the early year’s curriculum
Strong: promotes wellbeing & relaxation
0-2 YEARS CLASSES we will run 2 one off FREE sessions on the 17th July
1-1.45pm Mum and Baby for babies not yet crawling
2-2.45pm Mum and Baby for the explorers who are crawling
Calm and soothing sessions are run for babies and their carers. Babies unfurl and stretch with gentle motion. Fundamental bonds are strengthened and new skills are learnt aiding restful sleep, calm digestion and well-being.
2-5 YEARS CLASSES we will run a FREE session 3-3.45pm on the 17th July
Filled with fun, music and movement children are guided through creative and engaging routines. Concentration and physical confidence flourish as strength, balance and co-ordination skills grow.
The class focus changes weekly. The yoga-inspired programme has been carefully developed by our core team of paediatric-physiotherapists, yoga-teachers and educationalists. It’s fully aligned to the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 curriculums.
Look out for future classes coming soon!
For more info visit https://childreninspiredbyyoga.com/muswellhill/