Organ Concert
GERARD BROOKS was appointed Director of Music at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster in 2008. Prior to this, he was for twenty years Associate Director of Music at All Souls, Langham Place. He is a professor at the Royal Academy of Music and Organ Tutor for the Royal College of Organists/St. Giles Organ School, and for Latymer Upper School.
He was first taught the organ by John Webster, and continued his studies with Susi Jeans whilst organ scholar at Lincoln College, Oxford. After winning the Stephen Arlen Award, he went to Strasbourg Conservatoire as a pupil of Daniel Roth, returning to England after two years to continue his studies with Nicolas Kynaston.
He has made over a dozen solo recordings on the Priory label, among them the complete organ music of Eugène Gigout and Camille Saint-Saëns; he presents and plays on the Fugue State Films DVD productions “The Genius of Cavaillé-Coll” and “Widor: Master of the Organ Symphony” (the latter scheduled for release in 2015).