
26 Apr 2024

The Great Hall

Join us in April 2024 for an unforgettable evening with acclaimed British singer, songwriter, and producer Sampha as he performs a very special show at Alexandra Palace.

After a triumphant return to the music scene in June, following the success of his Mercury Prize-winning debut album Process, Sampha continues to captivate with his unique artistry.

Sampha’s latest masterpiece, LAHAI, named after his paternal grandfather, explores the profound beauty of existence and human connection. With contributions from talented artists like Yaeji, Ibeyi, and more, the new ablum is a communal journey that celebrates the human condition.

Age restriction 16+

BAG POLICY: For events at Alexandra Palace, we encourage you to attend without bags. Should you need to bring a bag, we encourage you to bring the smallest one possible for your needs. For live music events in the Great Hall at Alexandra Palace visitors are only permitted to bring in one small bag with them, which must not be bigger than A4 in size. More information here.
